Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What am I drinking?

Well I'm glad you asked. I went to my local beer store, Habersham Beverage, and did a "make your own 6 pack" which is always a great idea if you want to try something new. The beer I am sippin on at the moment is called Moo-Hoo by Terrapin which is a Georgia brewery in Athens. The name is what got me. I love chocolate milk (who doesn't...) and the beer is labeled as a chocolate milk stout! Nom nom nom. 6% alcohol is a little low for my taste with stouts since I like the boozy taste with my darker beers. It pours black with just a little bit of a nice creamy brown head. Next is the smell and man o man does it smell good! I get more of a bitter cocoa and maybe just a hint of coffee? There is a lot of maltiness going on with the taste as expected, with lots of chocolate to go with it. It's a bit thin in texture and more light than anything but with some sips I get a creamy texture as well....which is strange. As I'm letting it sit and warm up the roastiness is starting to come out a lot and it's delicious. If you think you don't like stouts but would like to try some out, this might be a good starter beer. Very drinkable. Very tasty. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year

Sorry for the lack of posts! One of my New Year resolutions is to write more on here. I'll be writing a new post sometime this week so keep those eyes peeled on this little blog.
